[Avodah] Long Lifespans in Bereishis

hankman hankman at bell.net
Mon Oct 30 12:03:44 PDT 2017

R. Marty Bluke wrote:

“The gemara (Sanhedrin 99) offers the following suggestions for how long the
Messianic period will last:

R' Dosa - 400 years
Rebbi - 365 years
Avimi - 7000 years
R' Yehuda - the amount of time from creation until the Messiah comes
R' Nachman Bar Yitzchak - the amount of time from the flood until the
Messiah comes 

Actually my original kasheh occurred to me during that recent daf yomi you refer to in Sanhedrin which was when I asked the same question you pose here. The question I posted on Avodah (basically the same idea) was just in reference to a previous post here and its remarks – I just did not feel the need to broaden the kasheh – perhaps I should have, just to be more comprehensive.

Kol tuv
Chaim Manaster

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