[Avodah] Long Lifespans in Bereishis
hankman at bell.net
Wed Oct 25 07:40:29 PDT 2017
R.Miciha Berger wrote:
"On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 06:28:28PM -0400, hankman (RVM) wrote:
:if the world is Charuv at 6000 years and
: yemos Moshiach are before the olom is charuv, (while olom keminhago
: noheig) there is not enough time left (we are now 5778) for a life span
: of 300 to 500 years let alone 1000 years.
This all depends on the machloqes about defining olam haba
and whether techiyas hameisim is permanent. As well as any machloqesin
as to whether yemos hamoshiach starts with techiyas hameisim or
ends with a new era, that itself starts with teshiyas hameisim.
You also need to fit in when exactly in the sequence of these events Yom
Hadin Hagodol happens according to each of these shitos.
So the many events of "Achris Hatomim" that one need consider to compile a
chronology of this mysterious period would include Gog uMagog, Moshiach be
Yosef, coming of Eliyahu, yitaka bashofor gadol (before moshiach, or yom
hadin hagodol, or techias hameisim?), the nevuos of Zecharyahu and other
nevi'im about this period, Bayis shelishi, Kibutz golios, Moshiach ben Dovid
(including how long is this period), vanquishing of the yetzer, Techias
Hameisim (before Moshiach or before yom hadin or before both?), Yom hadin
hagodol, yom hadin hakoton (after death?) Olom charuv (and to what extent it
is charuv and why), Gan Eden, Olom haneshamos, Olam haba (final gemul, with
or without a guf, and the ultimate purpose of creation so Hashem can be
meitiv lezuloso). After writing this I checked out your "Mesukim Midevash"
and apparently there will be at least four versions of this chronology
(which you began to build in your article) lefi the Rambam, Ramban, Rav
Saadia Gaon and the Ikkarim but needs some fleshing out.
R Micha Berger wrote:
"Ramban (similarly, among others): olam haba, the ultimate existence,
is body together with guf after techiyas hameisim. And therefore the
post-th"m life must be external.
But then there's the question of whether your assumed dates hold.... My
point is mainly that I think there are too many unknowns to even ask
your question...."
It is not clear to me what "assumed dates" or what the "unknowns" are that
you mention?
I only mentioned 5778. Is that date in doubt??
R. Micha Berger wrote:
"BTW, I just noticed, underlying that machloqes about what is olam haba
and techiyas hameisim might be a difference in the definition of a person.
It looks to me like the Rambam is saying a person is a soul who lives
in a body. And therefore the ultimate in existence is not to have that
body interpolated between me and experiencing Hashem's Presence.
Whereas the Ramban is saying that a person is a synthesis of body and
soul, and therefore cannot enjoy the rewards of their efforts when the
two halves are separated.
Tir'u baTov!
The gemara in Sanhedrin that talks about the need for both the neshama and
the guf to be together at yom hadin, works well with your peshat in the
Ramban and could be a possible source for his position, but your explanation
of the Rambam with the guf just being something donned by the neshama as
necessary for its trip to this world, much like a diver dons scuba gear to
enable him to function in this temporary environment, then much as it makes
no senses to require the scuba gear at the divers trial, so too this gemara
requiring the presence of the guf at the yom hadin doesn't really make much
Kol tuv
Chaim Manaster
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