[Avodah] Did the Patriarchs Speak Hebrew?

M Cohen mcohen at touchlogic.com
Mon Dec 25 07:39:55 PST 2017

Fyi that the best sefer that I have seen on the subject of Hebrew and
ancient Hebrew history is 
Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness & Hebrew by Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein.

Haskomos from R Leff, R Breitowitz, R Lopiansky

It deals with the subject of ancient Hebrew history, using both on chazal
and current linguistic and archeological sources

Did Adam harishon speak Hebrew ?
Did the world speak Hebrew until tower of Babel?
Did Avraham speak Hebrew ?
Foreign influences on Hebrew 
Hebrew vs Aramaic. Sources. History. Development.

You will find exhaustive source material and answers there.

Mordechai Cohen

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