[Avodah] Midrash Tanchuma

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Sat Dec 23 19:46:46 PST 2017

On 23/12/17 16:33, Ben Bradley via Avodah wrote:

> It was printed in 5645, ie 1885, by one Shlomo Buber (Bober?) in Lvov 
> from manuscripts acquired from Oxford and the Vatican.
> I must admit I'd never paid much attention to these details until now, 
> but It's just come to my attention that it my copy is hugely different 
> to the standard one.

Yes, the Buber Tanchuma is a different sefer from the standard Tanchuma. 
  Citations to "Tanchuma" stam refer to the old edition, while ones to 
this edition are given as "Tanchuma (Buber)".

Buber claimed that he had found the original version, and that the one 
published in the 16th century is a much later one.  Not everyone was 

There was also something the rishonim called "Medrash Yelamdeinu", which 
   may have been a third version which is now lost, or may simply have 
been the name by which they referred to one or the other of these two 


Zev Sero                May 2017, with its *nine* days of Chanukah,
zev at sero.name           be a brilliant year for us all

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