[Avodah] Sh'mos

Richard Wolberg cantorwolberg at cox.net
Sat Dec 30 20:25:17 PST 2017

It is brought down that the place where the Burning Bush occurred 
was Har Sinai. The talmud asks why did it occur in a thorn bush and
the answer: God says "when the Jews are suffering, I am suffering, too."

A midrash relates that taking the Jews out of Egypt was nowhere near as difficult
as taking “Egypt” out of the Jews.

Aish.com Mayanot Wellsprings bring out:
The longest private conversation recorded in the Torah between God and a human individual takes place in our parsha. It takes God 39 long verses (from Exodus 3:1 to 4:17) to persuade Moses to accept the mission of serving as the savior of the Jewish people. In a wide-ranging conversation that covers many topics, God patiently responds to Moses' many objections and queries before Moses finally caves in to the Divine will and accepts.

It reminds me that the Shulchan Aruch says if you are asked to be a ba'al tefilla, you should first politely refuse (out of modesty). If you are asked a second time, you should still refuse. But if you are asked a third time, you must accept.  

It's a not such a well known minhag and is just another example of menschlechkeit, sensitivity and humility for the time it was written.

“The Bible is meant to be OUR critic, not we, ITS critic!"
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