[Avodah] Why does Yosef command the Egyptians to circumcise

Professor L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Dec 15 06:55:30 PST 2017



Rashi on Bereshis 41:55 says

what he tells you, do: Since Joseph had ordered them to circumcise themselves, and when they came to Pharaoh and said, "This is what he said to us," he (Pharaoh) said to them, "Why didn't you gather grain? Didn't he announce to you that years of famine were coming?" They replied, "We gathered much, but it rotted." He (Pharaoh) replied,"If so, do whatever he tells you. He issued a decree upon the grain, and it rotted. What if he issues a decree upon us and we die?" - [from Mid. Tanchuma Mikeitz 7, Gen. Rabbah 91:5]

Why did Yosef order them to do that?

See the above URL for three explanations.

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