[Avodah] Torah precheit?
hankman at bell.net
Sun Oct 15 15:59:44 PDT 2017
I have been trying to understand what the geshtalt of Torah was precheit of the eitz hadaas. It could not have resembled anything that we ( I ) would recognize today. Consider: There was but one mitzva. Most if not all the mitzvos of the Torah we are familiar with could not have existed, at least as we understand them today. Had Adam been successful in his one day tafkid the purpose of the bria would have been accomplished and Adam (mankind) would have gone to olom haba – mission accomplished nothing more to follow but for reward in olom haba.
The many consequences seem to be as follows: there would be no avdus in Mitzrayim, therefore no yetzias Mitzrayim, therefore no regolim, that are all built on the idea of zecher l’yitzias Mitzrayim nor their issurei melocho . So there would not me any korban Pesach, no matzo, no maror etc. There would be no lulav and esrog, no succah etc. There would be no krobanos of shavous, no Yom Kippur and all its avoda and all its inuiyim as the cheit haeigel would never occur. Not sure about Rosh Hashana as the 6th day was the first RH perhaps as a yom hadin to pasken that Adam succeeded in his task and is deserving of olom haba. I could assume that Shabbos would also be present as it was in that first week with a kedushas Shabbos. The mussafim of all these yomim tovim would also be non existent as the yomim tovim themself seem in doubt.
Much of the korbanos relating to cheit would seemingly have no purpose. the existance of the mikdash and all related mitzvot would likewise be in doubt. The mikdosh would have been Adam himself or perhaps after day 7 the mikdash would have come down in fire from heaven like we await today shibaneh beis hamikdash?
As there would never be an Eretz Yisroel, then there would not be all the mitzvot hateltuot ba’aretz – trumos, masros etc., etc.
There would be no issurei arayos as there was just Adam and Chava. Not quite sure here as there was Kayin and Hevel and their twin sisters were there in the latter part of day 6. So perhaps a few of the arayaos would have been possible, mainly mother, father, son, daughter, aishes ish (Adam and Chava, but not sure about the kids as could kedushin be tofeis in a sister even if mutar for kium olam? Mishkav zachar was possible, but mishkav behama might not have been assur if one reads the medroshim kepshutom which the Maharal tell us NOT to do when Adam was seeking his mate before Chava was created. Still one has to deal with the fact that while these might have been possible, there was but ONE commandment – not to eat from the eitz hadaas and none of the possible arayos I consider above.
There was no mitzva of mila for Adam or Kayin and Hevel. Perhaps Adam was created mahul and Kayin and Hevel were nolod mahul? (Still today would need hatafas dam bris).
Kibud Av vaAim would only be possible for Kain and Hevel but not for Adam or Chava who were not yilud isha.
Mitzvot like korcho lameis would not be possible for beings who were not bar misa. Tumas meis would not be possible.
With no rabim, mitzvot like melech, korban nossi, Ir haNidachas etc would not be possible.
No mechias Amalek, or shiva ammim or kivush ha’aretz etc
Rosh Chodes and its dinim would never happen as the world would end after one week.
Most of choshen Mishpat would be superfluous if you own the entire world (Adam – not sure if his kids would own anything as Adam would never die so they would never yarshan the world from him? (not sure if I am in the realm of Purim torah or not?).
I could go on for most of taryag that would not have been possible. But the bottom line, possible or not, there was only ONE commandment – the eitz hadaas!
So what is the nature of Torah in such a world. How do we see it as an ever constant ever present and unchanging Torah? How does a Torah with but ONE mitzva look? How does it still identify with a Torah with 613 mitzvot?
Sorry if my thoughts were very rambling. I just typed as things came to mind – maybe not always a good idea!
Kol tuv
Chaim Manaster
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