[Avodah] Interesting Insight on Noach

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Oct 18 21:51:32 PDT 2017

On 18/10/17 11:09, Richard Wolberg wrote:
> What I’m saying is that our theology is fraught with inconsistencies and 
> contradictions
> and we have plenty of “teikusl”  You’re a black and white person and 
> don’t see shades.
> Not everything can be reconciled.

Impossible.  Toras Hashem Temima, and can't contradict itself.  If there 
are two pesukim that seem to contradict each other, there's a third 
pasuk that resolves it and makes sense of both.

It's not possible that R Avin was unaware of Avraham's statement, nor is 
it possible that he would dismiss Avraham's view as mistaken.  Therefore 
there must be something in R Avin's view that's not what it appears.

Zev Sero                May 2017, with its *nine* days of Chanukah,
zev at sero.name           be a brilliant year for us all

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