[Avodah] Trashing Kapporos - Kapporah Gain, or Kapporah Deficit?

Mandel, Seth via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Sep 28 08:31:36 PDT 2017

As you know, I work at slaughterhouses. One slaughterhouse used to get
all the chickens from kapporos to be kashered. Most of the chickens had
been severely mishandled, with their wings torn out of their socket by
the people swinging them. That makes the chicken traif, and so they had
to be discarded.

After checking around, they found out that this is the case almost
everywhere with the kapporos chickens.

Since chickens can be handled properly by professionals, that means
there is absolutely no hetter for the issur of tzaar baalei chaim:
it can only be nidche l'tzorech, and there is no tzorech here.

I never in my life did kapporos, nor did the Brisker. Personally, I tell
people it is a mitzva NOT to do it, and to give tzedoko.

But since Chabad and others have made Kapporos appear like one of the
main things of Judaism, I cannot let my name be used here.

Rabbi Dr. Seth Mandel
Rabbinic Coordinator
The Orthodox Union

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