[Avodah] Kellogg's Products containing gelatin & interesting story

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Sep 14 11:58:23 PDT 2017

On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 08:48:18AM -0400, M Cohen via Avodah wrote:
: I have heard poskim say that the issur of chalav/basar etc haneelam min
: ha'ayin only exists where there is a (financial) incentive for the exchanger
: (ie they c replace your kosher meat w a piece of cheaper trief meat)

Is there a "chalav ... etc"? I thought the taqanah of neelam min ha'ayin
was a meat thing in particular.

But in any case, if we hold that CY is a taqanah (ie like the Peri Chadash
et al (*) over the Chasam Sofer and CI), then there is a strong case
to prohibit chalav hacompanies even when there is no financial motive.
Some earlier 20th cent CE posqim permitted USFDA milk because they held
like the CS. But RMF's famous teshuvos are based on the PC, he "just"
understands the re'iyah the taqanah requires to be acquiring knowledge,
not necessarily via photons, eyes, and visual perception regions in the

(* et al: meaning, a large number of acharonim who aren't as much
staples of halachic discussion as is the CS. RMF assumes that they're
the consensus, by sheer number.)

If the need for CY were only when financial insentive to go treif, there
is no need for a taqanah -- it would be a regular kashrus problem, and
one would need full supervision without the taqanah. RMF wouldn't have
had to invoke the USFDA; he could have simply noted that cow's milk is
the cheapest milk in the US, and there is no reason to fear adulteration.

It's like the issue of ein be'edro tamei. Some are meiqil, or at least
include as a senif lehaqeil (Melameid leHo'il 2:33) when there is the
disinsentive to adulterate the milk of not the dairy needing effort
to obtain the treif milk.

R' Elyahu Baqshi-Doron (Techumin vol 23) explains that one of the reason
the Chief Rabbinate requires CY supervision is because camel milk is
available in Israel. EVEN though it's pricier.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             What you get by achieving your goals
micha at aishdas.org        is not as important as
http://www.aishdas.org   what you become by achieving your goals.
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