[Avodah] Zeh VeZeh Gorem

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Aug 31 19:06:02 PDT 2017

We asked, why not apply the rule of ZVZGo to permit eggs are inside a hen
which becomes a Tereifa? These eggs, after all, have developed partially
before the hen became a Tereifa and are thus ZVZGo

Reb Zev asks, in that case - Why not ask the hen's meat was mostly grown before
it became a Tereifah. [BTW we do not require MOSTLY for ZVZGorem, even a
little bit will do]

That is a Q I did not ask in order to keep the post uncomplicated. However,
for the engaged reader, it is clearly included in and answered by the
proposition I presented. It is only when a Halachic determination must be
made that we consider the arguments of Ubbar Yerech Immo and ZVZGorem. Just
as when the hen becomes a Tereifa the eggs are Tereifos because the
opportunity for ZVZGo has passed and we employ UYImmo, the same will be
true for determining the status of the Flieshch of the hen.
The parallel case for Fleisch is where a foetus is conceived from a Tereifa
and a non Tereifa. But this too is misleading because the conception of a
foetus is akin to the hatching of an egg. An egg which is Tereif, will
hatch a Kosher chick because it is a new entity.


Meir G. Rabi

0423 207 837
+61 423 207 837
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