[Avodah] Trashing Kapporos - Kapporah Gain, or Kapporah Deficit?

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Sat Sep 30 13:35:00 PDT 2017

If I can mix actuality with the idea below:

What is the story a scandal? If the minhag has nothing to do with 
tzedaka, why the need to redo it? OK, I understand that it isn't nice or 
honest that someone made a buck with these chickens but why should that 
affect the people who did kaparot? Given that this scandal happened in 
Chabad communities, it only emphasizes the question.


On 9/29/2017 7:03 AM, Zev Sero via Avodah wrote:
> You have confused how one does kaparos with what one does with the 
> chicken afterwards.   Kaparos has nothing to do with tzedaka., but the 
> Rema, citing the Maharil, says that there is a minhag that after 
> kaparos, instead of eating the chicken, one gives it to the poor, or 
> else one exchanges it for money and give that to the poor.   The Baer 
> Hetev, citing the Shelah, says the latter version is better, since 
> it's less embarrassing to the recipient. 

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