[Avodah] Kellogg's Products containing gelatin & interesting story

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Aug 28 08:20:12 PDT 2017

On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 10:17:27AM -0400, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
: I still maintain that Cholov Yisroel is NOT the issue here, in the
: sense that the kashrus problems did not result from the type of milk
: that was used, but from the other ingredients that were added to that
: milk. But I do concede that the AhS included this story to teach us
: that IF those people had been makpid on cholov yisroel, they would
: have looked for a Jewish grocery, and as a *side* benefit, they would
: have been protected from those other ingredients...

This is clear from his words. But you know me, I am not nice enough to
publically support someone with a "me too" post. I wrote to point out
something else...

According to the AhS, CY isn't about kashrus. Even in a circumstance
where there are no pigs nearby, and say the cheapest milk around is
that of kosher  species and the whole risk of adulteration makes no
economic sense, the AhS would still require a Jew watch some of
the milking.

Leshitaso, CY is a gezeira. The reason for the gezeira is to prevent
adulteration. But even if the fear is eliminated, the gezeira still
applies, and at least some part of the milking run needs to be watched
by a Yisrael.

Vehara'ayah it's not directly about adulteration -- only part of the
milking needs supervision, not yotzei venichnas for all of it.

He is also very specific about which dairy products the gezeira was made
on. Eg butter (AhS YD 115:20) is outside the geziera. More complicatedly,
neither is cheese (19), although since it is still subject to gevinas
aku"m, if the milking wasn't CY but the cheesemaking was supervised, the
cheese is kosher bedi'eved. Assuming a situation where the fundamental
kashrus concern of adulteration doesn't apply, and you had to satisfy
more than chazal's taqanah.

For this reason, I would guess the AhS would have agreed with RZPFrank's
ruling exempting powdered milk.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             You cannot propel yourself forward
micha at aishdas.org        by patting yourself on the back.
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