[Avodah] Decentralizing Authority

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Aug 7 18:45:54 PDT 2017

R' Micha Berger wrote:

> I have indeed discussed this before, and absurdly wrote with
> the assumption that people had some vague memory of learning
> something that non-intuitive.

I was trying to come up with a snappy comeback, but the truth is that
I simply have a rotten memory. Or, perhaps, the non-intuitive stuff is
lost more easily, precisely because the anti-intuitiveness makes it
more difficult for the brain to reconstruct the chain of links.

We have said in the past, that in theory, when a gadol says, "This is
how it appears to me, given the Torah that I've internalized," that is
the greater Daas Torah. But in practice, others may find it difficult
to accept it, for lack of hearing the sources and logic.

> when RMF was asked by R Rakeffet, when his snif visited MTJ.
> RARR's words (which I took as a close paraphrase), "Nu, if
> it's a yomtov for you, then say Hallel; personally I don't."

I wish I had been aware of these shades of gray when I was younger.
Thank you for sharing.

Akiva Miller

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