“Timtum Ha-Lev” Redux

Rich, Joel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Sep 27 11:30:33 PDT 2017

>From R' Aviner Dulling of the Heart to Save One's Life

    Q: If someone is obligated to eat non-Kosher food because he is in
    a life-threatening situation, does the food cause him "dulling of
    the heart" (dulling of one's spiritual sense, "Timtum Ha-Lev")?

    A: No. Maran Ha-Rav Kook writes in his book "Musar Avicha" (p. 19)
    that the dulling of one's heart comes from violating a prohibition
    and not from the food itself (Yoma 39a. And see Meharsha on
    Shabbat 33a). Therefore, someone who eats non-Kosher food which
    is permitted to him, does not experience a "dulling of the heart"
    (Ha-Griz Soloveitchik, the Brisker Rav, also holds this way. Uvdot
    Ve-Hanhagot Mei-Beit Brisk Volume 2, p. 50. As well as Ha-Rav Chaim
    Kanievski in his book "Orchot Yosher" #13).

IIUC there are those who disagree (but not me)

Joel Rich

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