[Avodah] Tuitiion Breaks and Tzedaka

Arie Folger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Sep 19 01:56:59 PDT 2017

RMB wrote:
> Which raises the obvious question, back on-topic for Avodah:
> Since published tuition is more money than my own kid costs,
> is that differential in money owed the school in the manner RAW
> described -- because that's what the market price is? Or is the
> differential maaser money that can therefore be given to other
> urgent causes?

> I know both of the local day schools quote posqim who say one
> may use maaser money to pay the differential. I am wondering if
> promoting that pesaq might not backfire among parents who are
> currently paying part of the differential based on the above reasoning.

 From a chapter in a forthcoming book of mine:

It is meritorious to support Torah scholars, and you may dedicate a
portion of your [maaser kesafim] funds even to support one's own son
studying Torah. You may likewise use a portion of these funds to pay
for the your adult children's yeshiva gedola, midrasha and college
tuition, but you should not draw on these funds for paying tuition
while in elementary or high school. [1] However, someone lives a modest
lifestyle and still cannot otherwise make ends meet, may draw on these
funds even to pay for a portion of his minor children's Jewish day school
tuition. [2] Someone who benefits from a scholarship at an institution of
Jewish education should prioritize that institution when giving charity,
over other institutions. [3]

1: Chatam Sofer YD 249

2: Igrot Moshe YD2 §113, but Aruch haShulchan YD 249:7 disagrees

3: Oral ruling by Rav Hershel Schachter

It stands to reason that tuition beyond cost is definitely counted as
tzedaka, as the whole disagreement regards a father's obligation to his
minor children disqualifying tution from being considered tzedaka. But
what's beyond that should reasonably count as tzedaka. I once sent my kids
to one school where the rabbinic committee established how much of tuition
may be counted towards ma'asser (they were even more generous than what we
are discussing, since it is a poor community).

Arie Folger,
Visit my blog at http://rabbifolger.net/


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