[Avodah] what mitzvos did Avos follow?
Sholom Simon via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Sep 1 14:17:58 PDT 2017
>The following are universally accepted
>1] AAvinu [howsoever we explain his Jewish status] followed all
>Halacha and even Minhag
Is this the case?
According to R Menachem Leibtag, Avot and the Mitzvot,
, the Rishonim did not -- and he sites Rashbam, Chizkuni, Ibn Ezra &
Radak who each have a different take (from most restrictive to most
inclusive -- but none of them saying Taryag mitzvos). He also
mentions Rashi, Ramban, and Seforno who do include 613. (As they
each interpret "because Avraham listened to Me, and he kept
mishmarti, mitzvotei, chukotei, v'toratei." (Bereshis 26:5) )
So . . . what about later in time (late Rishonim and onwards)? Did
everyone accept Rashi's view, or did some old by Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, et al?
(In my limited understanding, this seems analogous to RMB's
discussion of Ma'aseh Bereshis, where most of the Jewish world didn't
seem to take it *literally* as seven days until the last century or
so. So, in this case -- re the Avos and *every mitzva* -- when did
the general opinion change? Or did it?)
-- Sholom
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