[Avodah] Should a bracha be recited on a solar eclipse?

Richard Wolberg via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Aug 22 04:11:06 PDT 2017

Shulchan Aruch (OC 227:1) lists many natural events 
for which the bracha of 'Oseh Ma'aseh Breishis' ('He performs the acts of creation') is recited, 
such as lightening, thunder and great winds. However, an eclipse is not included in this list. 
It therefore may be presumed that a blessing is not recited. Why should this be? 
Isn't an eclipse an incredible and awe inspiring event, as much so as thunder and lightning?

Something doesn’t add up. Every 28 years around April 8th, we recite the birkat hachama (last time, April 8th 2009,
next time, April 8th 20037). Every month we recite the blessing over the moon. And as I learned, the “oseh ma’aseh b’reshis”
is over lightening but not over thunder and volcanoes. For thunder and volcanoes I thought we say “shekocho g’vuroso malei olam.”
Regarding an eclipse as an incredible and awe inspiring event, so is being in the presence of a child being born or in the presence
of a person having being declared dead, resuscitated back to life. Is there a b’rocho for that?

> “If you live for people’s acceptance, you will
> die from their rejection.”   
> Anonymous

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