[Avodah] Washing Clothes During the 9 Days
Professor L. Levine via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Jul 25 06:47:36 PDT 2017
The following is from today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis
Q. I am picking up my Bar Mitzvah boy from camp during the Nine Days. All of his clothing is in need of washing, otherwise he'll have nothing clean to wear. Under the circumstances may I wash his clothing during the Nine Days? (A Subscriber's Question)
A. Rama (OC 551:3) tells us that the Ashkenazi minhag is not to launder clothing during the Nine Days. However, the Mishna Berura (ibid. 29) in the name of the Eliyah Rabah (ibid., Shaar Hatziyun 33) rules that if one has only one garment, or many garments which all require cleaning (see Piskei Teshuvos Vol. 6 p. 80:21), it is permitted to wash and do the laundry up until the week in which Tisha B'Av falls.
In a case that one is permitted to do laundry, you may wash whatever clothing you will need for the duration of the Nine Days. In the past, one was only allowed to wash one garment at a time, as needed. But in our generation, when the push of a button can wash an entire load, this restriction does not apply (see Shu"t Minchas Yitzchok 8:50, Shu"t Yabia Omer 7:48 and Shu"t Be'er Moshe 7:32). However, one is not allowed to add clothing needed for after the Nine Days (Piskei Halachos ibid. end of 21).
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