[Avodah] Support for Maaseh Satan

Arie Folger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Jul 2 08:25:15 PDT 2017

RMB wrote:
> IMHO, it's easier to understand Satmar or Munkacz anti-Zionism than
> Agudah's classical position of non-Zionism. The former agrees with the RZ
> that the Medinah is a huge event of vast import, but disagree about what
> the import is. The Agudist (at least classically, there were exceptions
> in the early years of the state, and things seem to be wearing down now)
> believe that Jews can regain sovereignty over EY for the first time in
> 2 millenia without it being religiously significant.

Indeed, I recall, upon dealing with those various shittos while in RIETS,
particularly as covered by Rav Charlop in a shiur of his, that Satmar and
Rav Kook are a lot closer to each other than to Agudah & Rav Soloveitchik.
Arie Folger,
Recent blog posts on http://rabbifolger.net/

* Koscheres Geld (Podcast)

* Kennt die Existenz nur den Chaos? G”ttliches Vorsehen im Jüdischen
Gedankengut (Podcast)

* Halacha zum Wochenabschnitt: Baruch Hu uWaruch Schemo

* Is there Order to the World? Providence in Jewish Thought

* What is Modern Orthodoxy (from a radio segment)
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