[Avodah] kitniyot

Marty Bluke via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Apr 9 01:16:48 PDT 2017

R' Akiva Miller asked why in the dati leumi community there is a backlash
against kitniyos?

I think there are a number of reasons for this:
1. Theological - The Dati Leumi community views the establishment of the
State of Israel as a significant theological event, the beginning of the
Geula. They view the state as having significance. Therefore, they view the
Jewish people as much more of an organic whole and want to eliminate things
that separate the Jewish people into groups. Kitniyos very much does that.
There is no question that whan Moshiach comes the division between Sefardim
and Ashkenazim basically will go away. The Sanhedrin willl pasken the
halacha and there will be no machlokes. The Charedi world on the other hand
believes that we are still fully in Galus and nothing has changed.
2. The Dati Leumi community isw much less segragated between sefardim and
Ashkenazim. There are no ashkenazi or sefardi yeshivas and there is quite a
bit of "intermarriage". If your daughter marries a Sefardi do you suddently
not go to her for Pesach because she eats kitniyos?
3. People realize the hypocrisy of not eating kitniyos while eating kosgher
l'pesach pretzels.
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