[Avodah] Chukas

Cantor Wolberg via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Jun 25 08:22:59 PDT 2017

Rashi picks up on the juxtaposition of the consecutive sentences where
we first read of Miriam’s death and immediately following — of the lack of 
water. This would indicate some connection which Rashi points out that
the existence of the water was on the z’chus of Miriam. Nonetheless, the
question of the Sifse Chakhamim is also quite valid. Weren’t Aaron and 
Moses worthy enough to warrant the existence of the water on their z’chus?

As a chok has no rational explanation, so, too, there is no logical explanation
as to why as long as Miriam was there, offering her inspired leadership, the
waters of the be’er, the wells of Torah, flowed ceaselessly and with her death,
the waters stopped; whereas, the greatness of Aaron and Moses paled in 
comparison. This shows the error of those who downplay the role of women
in Judaism. Remember, it’s the mother who determines the child’s religion and
it’s the mother who plays a major role in her children’s development. 

The dedication and devotion of the exemplary Jewish mother are a shining example
to all who would seek idealism in a Jewish woman.

"The Lord gave more wit to women than to men."
Talmud - Niddah

“…And the Lord God built the rib which teaches that the Holy One, blessed be He,
endowed the woman with more understanding than the man.”
Niddah 45b

“A beautiful wife enlarges a man’s spirit.”   
[adapted from] Talmud, Berakhot 57b
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