[Avodah] Shavuos (Lifeline)

Cantor Wolberg via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon May 29 07:27:59 PDT 2017

The Rabbis tell us the Book of Ruth teaches neither of things that are permitted or forbidden.
Why then is it part of Holy Scriptures? Because its subject matter is gemilus chassodim. Along
the same line, three times a day we recite “God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob.”
However, we conclude the blessing “mogen Avraham” — only with Abraham. Why? In explanation, a
Chassidic Rabbi explains that each of the patriarchs symbolizes one of the three essentials as
articulated in Pirkei Avos 1:2). Jacob represents Torah; Isaac, Avodah; and Abraham, gemilus chassodim.
Though all three principles are vital, kindness is sufficient to stabilize the world (how we need it now more
than ever!). An interest in the performance of good deeds was the quality that marked Abraham — a 
quality which can be a shield and support to us even when other qualities in our nature are weak — hence,

Ruth was no ordinary convert. Her name gives us a clue to her essence. 
In Hebrew, Ruth's name is comprised of the letters reish, vav, tav, which add up to a numerical value of 606. 
As all human beings have an obligation to observe the seven Noachide commandments — so called because 
they were given after the flood — as did Ruth upon her birth as a Moabite. Add those seven commandments 
to the value of her name and you get 613, the number of commandments in the Torah. 

The essence of Ruth, her driving life force was the discovery and acceptance of the 606 commandments she was missing.

Another lovely aspect is the meaning of the name "Ruth."   In Hebrew the name is probably a contraction of re'ut, ' friendship,' which admirably summarizes her nature. The meaning in English is also very apropos: 
	• Compassion or pity for another
	• Sorrow or misery about one's own misdeeds or flaws.
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