[Avodah] More on Should one sit or stand for the Asseres Hadibros

Professor L. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun May 28 11:59:44 PDT 2017

I received the following response to my earlier email about this topic

Sadly, you will always find 1 or 2 people in every shul who "sit" while the entire tzibbur stands. This strikes me as downright arrogant, and IMHO is done more to make a "statement" than to follow a minhag that might be prevalent in some communities. C'mon; if 100 or 200 people are standing, should someone stick out and sit because that's the way he was taught.....?

To this I replied

Let's be dan l'kaf zechus.   People like me who have knee problems find it difficult to stand for any length to time.  I sit during the Aseres Hadibros.

And in light of this,  may I suggest that everyone sit so as not to have those who cannot stand be embarrassed.

I bet this never occurred to you.


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