[Avodah] nidche

Daniel Israel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu May 4 20:54:36 PDT 2017

On May 3, 2017, at 7:06 AM, Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer via Avodah <avodah at lists.aishdas.org> wrote:
> That's fine. A secular holiday can and should be pushed off. But it is
> no longer a religious holiday that can allow someone to say Hallel --
> certainly -- with a bracha and push off sefirah minhagim. The Halachically
> viable basis for Hallel and simcha during sefirah is only applicable to
> 5 Iyar.

My gut is with you on this.  But then we do need to at least address the precedent of Purim.  We don’t say Hallel, but we say a bracha on the Megillah.  And Chazal were willing to push off Purim to avoid chillul Shabbos.  Now there are some important differences.  For one thing, Purim seemed to be a concern of ignorance, not secularity.  But it does seem to establish the precedent that it can be done.

Whether it should be done is a different question.  Following the precedent of Purim would seem to argue for pushing off until Sunday, but not until Monday, and certainly not Tuesday.  Yom HaZikaron could be pushed earlier.

Daniel Israel
Kol BeRamah Torah Learning Center of Santa Fe, President
daniel at kolberamah.org

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