[Avodah] rabbi wilner

Ben Waxman via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sat Mar 4 09:54:20 PST 2017

If the argument against women rabbis was Daas Torah*, there wouldn't be 
any argument between the Open Orthodox and Centerist Orthodox over the 
issue. Neither believe in DT. Ignoring a Daat Torah position has never 
been cause to expel anyone from the DL/MO world, it is only a criteria 
for the Chareidi world.

*DT isn't the issue, I know.


On 3/3/2017 5:45 PM, saul newman via Avodah wrote:
 > >>>A religious woman was just nominated to the Israel supreme court - 
 > greater serara plus arkaot.
 > ---  the fact that women refuse to follow daas tora doesnt change the 
daas tora , in the same way that those who don't cover their hair doesnt 
suddenly make it muttar to do so.  i assume this is like 'tav lemeitav' 
, where no matter how many exceptions you try and bring , we would say 
the problem is them not the principle..

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