[Avodah] Amah Ivriya
Marty Bluke via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Feb 19 22:51:45 PST 2017
R' Akiva Miller asked Why is the military supposedly forbidden
even for an adult woman, while an Adon is allowed even for a young girl?
I believe that there are a number of answers:
1. The point of selling your daughter as an Ama Ivriya is so that the Adon
or his son will marry her. In fact, this is a mitzva d'oraysa (see the
Chinuch Mitzva 43). Not only that, we pasken that maos harishonos
l'kidushin nitnu, meaning that the money that the Adon pays to buy the girl
is the money for marrying her. We see clearly, that the prupose of teh
transaction is marraige. Therefore since the Adon or his son is supposed to
marry her it is appropriate for her to be under their control.
2. The statement "the Torah forbids a woman to be under the control of
anyone other than her father or husband." is clearly an exaggeration meant
to emphasize the problems/severity of women going to the army. It is not
meant to be taken literally and there is no such Torah prohibition. The
proof is that thousands of 18-19 Charedi girls leave their homes every year
in chutz laaretz and come to seminary in Israel. In seminary they are
clearly under the control of the seminary administration which is neither
their father nor their husband and yet this is the accepted practice in the
Charedi (and MO) world, so much so that a girl who doesn't go to seminary
in Israel has a hard time finding a shidduch.
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