[Avodah] The Rabbi, the Rebbe, and the Messiah

Cantor Wolberg via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Feb 13 07:07:34 PST 2017

On 10/10/17 13:13, Zev Sero via Avodah wrote (re: Message: 1):
THere was never any attempt to suppress knowledge of the SZ affair.

Patently UNTRUE. The following is from documented historic texts and I quote:
'In the vast majority of believers, revulsion and remorse set in and there was an active endeavor to erase all evidence, 
even mention of the pseudo-Messiah. Pages were removed from communal registers, and documents were destroyed. 
Few copies of the books that celebrated Shabbetai Zvi survived, and those that did have become rarities much sought after by libraries and collectors.'

On the same date at 14:47, Zev Sero wrote (Message 2, re: Prof. Levine’s statement that because of technology, 
RMMS won’t be forgotten in the way others were):
The Baal Shem Tov was forgotten?!  All the others who were thought to be Moshiach were forgotten?!

Prof. Levine’s point is totally misunderstood. From now until the Moshiach arrives, anyone can see videos of RMMS. I, personally, have watched
HUNDREDS of videos of RMMS and I’m not even part of the Movement. Our great-great grandchildren and their great-great grandchildren will
have access to watch videos of RMMS which will keep him alive. True, there may be pictures and stories of the Besht but as Prof. Levine so accurately points  
out, there is a huge difference because of technology.

I have extended the following cliché: ‘A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a thousand pictures'
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