[Avodah] Tu B'Shevat Seder

Prof. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Feb 10 08:36:21 PST 2017

At 11:19 AM 2/10/2017, Saul Guberman wrote:
>You are welcome to come the the seder at Yavneh Minyan of Flatbush 
>(Veretsky Yeshiva at 4:35).  We have it during seudah 3.  Our seder 
>is a combo of the 2 you list below.  The main change that we have is 
>that we wash first so that we start eating before shkiah.

Thanks for the invite,  but I cannot walk that far when the whether 
is nice,  let alone in the ice and snow.  In fact,  my wife just 
called me from Ave J saying that I should not go to shul at all on 
Shabbos.  Many homes and some businesses have not shoveled.

Perhaps you should think about not going also.

I am a bit surprised that the Yavneh Minyan makes this seder.  I 
asked a couple of my Chassidic friends if they make one, and the 
answer was "No."

I looked at the minyan's Mission Statement at 
http://www.yavnehminyan.org/mission_statement.shtml  I note the last 
item, namely,

With the guidance of our Rabbi, develop practices unique and 
appropriate to the Minyan. Towards the goal of Ahavat Yisrael, we 
respect all others, whose traditions we may not follow.

Is a Tu B'Shevat Seder one of these practices?


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