[Avodah] Solving Nishmas

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Feb 6 14:02:38 PST 2017

On 06/02/17 13:18, Micha Berger via Avodah wrote:
> Either would have reason to write "umibal'adekha ein lanu melekh go'el
> umoshia" as an intentional snub of Yeishu -- one being the rebbe who
> blamed himself for Yeishu going OTD, the other being a false talmid.

That would be Yehoshua ben Prachia, not Shimon ben Shetach.  (Even if we 
make the unlikely identification of YbP's errant disciple with the Jesus 
of the NT, whose internal history requires him to be 100 years or so later.)

Zev Sero                May 2017, with its *nine* days of Chanukah,
zev at sero.name           be a brilliant year for us all

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