[Avodah] Land ownership

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Jan 23 15:09:40 PST 2017

I was going to ask (but R' Zev Sero beat me to it):

> What has a king got to do with land ownership?

R' Joel Rich explained:

> So then how does the king acquire all the land so that
> those who understand dina dmalchuta as being based on
> the king owning all the land have a case?

Is that the ONLY reasoning behind DDD? I always thought that DDD derives
from the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach, specifically the obligation to set up a
fair government. That government does not necessarily involve a king. And
even if it does, the king does not necessarily own all the territory.

Akiva Miller
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