[Avodah] The Many Facets of Asarah B'Teves

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Jan 6 12:37:10 PST 2017

R' Zev Sero wrote:

> Not true.  We never push off a fast because it's on a Friday
> (except Yom Kippur).  It's just that none of the other major
> fasts ever happen to fall on a Friday.  If they did, there is
> no question at all that we would fast.  Minor fasts, such as
> the fasts observed by the Chevraya Kadishaya, *can* fall on
> Friday, and when they do they are completed.

There is a minor fast observed by the firstborn, and one could argue that
it not as minor as the one you mention. Yet, when it is scheduled for
Friday, it is held on a different day.

Akiva Miller
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