[Avodah] yaakov vs yehuda

Michael Poppers via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Jan 5 18:15:02 PST 2017

In Avodah V35n2, R'Micha wrote:
> Meanwhile, I understand what I took to be RnIE's point. This business
with HQBH fulfilling the words of tzadiqim still has to deal with the
culpability of the one dying. Perhaps Binyamin's total innocence would
have been enough to trump a tzadiq's words. <
Yet BhT understands that R'uvein's "es shnei vanai tamis" (42
<http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0142.htm>:37) had a consequence
(perhaps because the two subjects he identifies are not "innocent"s!).

Speaking of which, what is *p'shat* in R'uvein's words/which "two sons" was
he referring to?  In this week's *sedra* (46
<http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0146.htm>:9), four sons are listed; and
at the time he said "es shnei vanai tamis", one would think at least three
if not all four were already born....

A gut'n Shabbes/Shabbas Shalom
and all the best from
*Michael Poppers* * Elizabeth, NJ, USA
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