[Avodah] Tichleh Regel Min Hashuk

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Jan 5 11:05:07 PST 2017


From: Akiva Miller via Avodah  <avodah at lists.aishdas.org>

>> ....Here's another way of  phrasing it: If Pirsumei Nisa on Friday night 
dependent on commercial  activity, and there is zero commercial activity
among the Jews at that time,  then the Pirsumei Nisa on Friday night MUST be
referring to the  non-Jews.

By the way, so far I've been asking about Friday night. What  about Saturday
night? How much commercial activity was there among Jews on  Motzaei
Shabbos? If there was little or none, yet the mitzva and pirsumei  nisa is
still relevant even on Motzaei Shabbos, then this is a similar proof  that
Pirsumei Nisa refers to non-Jews.  <<

Akiva  Miller

I think you are translating "Tichleh Regel Min Hashuk" too literally.   I 
don't think it means "until the last shop closes."  I think it means: 
a] until the last passerby is no longer out in the street and/or 
b] until *that time of night* when passersby usually stop being out in the  
market [or out in the street].
Thus, if shops close at midnight most nights of the week, midnight would be 
 the time of Tichleh Regel Min Hashuk even on Friday night and Motzai  
But again I don't really think "shuk" means literally "market" here but  
more generally, outside, out on the streets.
Otherwise -- there are cities where shops are only open 9 to 5, and any  
time after sunset would already be too late to light the menorah -- if you are 
 overly literal with the words "Tichleh Regel Min Hashuk."

--Toby  Katz
t613k at aol.com


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