[Avodah] heichalos hatuma
Sholom Simon via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Mar 28 15:10:51 PDT 2017
Off line, I had the following exchange with R Micha, and, with his
persmission, I am putting it up here, edited for brevity/clarity.
I wrote:
A friend and I were learning a piece from the Nesivos Sholom, and, as
his wont, his last paragraph seems to go off on a completely
different tangent than the rest of the piece.
The one we were reading last night introduces concepts I've never
heard of before -- and I was wondering if you could help me out.
He was talking about parshas Parah (which was already a tangent) and
using that to show that we must have complete faith that every letter
in the torah is to help make us holy (just as all the keilim in the
Mishkan do so, and just as we don't fully understand why the
repetition from Terumah-Tetzaveh and Vayakhel-Pekudei for all these
keilim<-- that's how he started this tangent).
Then the first sentence of the last paragraph is this:
U'mishum kach kori'im parshas para lifnei chag ha'pesach, d'asyia (is
brought) b'chesed l'avraham hakdumon (is that a sefer?) she'shloshim
yom kodem chag hapesach motzi'im yehudi mi'shloshim heichalos hatuma,
b'chol yom yotzei mi'heichal echad shel tuma, ad she-bechag hapesach
yitaher l'gamrei v'yihiye ro'i l'kabal ha'kedusha v'ha'haorah shel
pesach shebo nihye chelek m'am ha'nivchar, v'kriyas haparsha
misogeles l'taher ish yehudi mi'tumaso.
I actually think I do understand the Hebrew.
But what is a "heichel hatuma" (clearly not the 50 levels of
tuma). And there are 30 of them? And this concept of getting
purified for 30 days _before_ Pesach Rishon is a new one to me.
R Micha wrote back (again, edited):
30 days before Pesach we learn hilkhos Pesach. Connected?
The Zohar Bereishis and then again on Pequdei discuss heikhalos
hatum'ah. But I don't know Zohar, so I went to chabadpedia.co.il.
Their entry for heikhalos hatum'ah is simply "see qelipah". But upon
chasing that link, the qelipah entry doesn't contain the letters
"heikhel" (ctrl-F check).
The little I can see from the Zohar is that a navi sheqer gets his
prophecy from the heikhalos hatum'ah, and that Noach, upon getting
drunk, opened their doors.
But Eimeq haMmelekh says there are 4 heilakhos, not 30. http://j.mp/2n9paMd
And Reishis Chokhmah, translated the Zohar Pequdei, says there are 7
and that gives definitions and names.
R' Yaakov Haber (of Ramat Bet Shemesh and Mosaic Press) points out
that it's 50 shaarei tum'ah, not madreigos -- gates, not levels....
He proves that there are 50 gates that allow us to connect to
qedushah. 49 of them were blocked up, and therefor tamei. One gate
we maintained -- distinct Jewish identiy (language, dress, names).
There were therefore 49 gates to clean out, to turn the gates from
tum'ah to taharah to qedushah.
(again: gates, not levels)
Thoughts, anyone?
-- Sholom
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