[Avodah] Will Purim Be The Only Yom Tov Left Standing After Moshiach Comes?

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Mar 19 16:42:13 PDT 2017

From: Eli Turkel via Avodah  avodah at lists.aishdas.org

Subject: [Avodah] Will Purim Be The Only  Yom Tov Left Standing After 
Moshiach Comes? Let's Take a Closer  Look

>>  ...We all study how Mordecai and
Esther were  the heroes of Purim. The possible objections of members of the 
Sanhedrin has  been lost in the dustbins of history. Yes it would be nice 
if Joseph would have  been learning Torah all day instead of being viceroy to 
Pharoh but in the end he  saved the family and so Jewish history.

I am sure that even major gedolim  like R Yehudah haNasi "wasted" time on
political leadership and not just pure  Torah matters. I remember a story of
one of the RY of Telshe  (1950-1970s)  lamented on the time he spent going
around the world  collecting money for the yeshiva instead of just teaching
Torah. Sure there  was a cost but he provided for many others to learn 
Torah. <<

Eli  Turkel

One of my brothers found a tape after my father was niftar, a  tape of my 
father speaking.  In it, my father z'l said that  congregants don't realize 
how much a rav sacrifices for them.  Besides  obvious things like time, 
energy, family life, privacy and income, a  shul  rav loses time and menucha for 
his own learning.  My father said that  was the hardest of all for him, not 
having time to learn Torah.  Of  course he was always teaching, preparing 
shiurim and so on, but that's not the  same.
I felt sad when I heard that recording.  What comforted me was that I  read 
or heard somewhere that whatever Torah learning a person is not  able to 
accomplish in this life because of his devotion to the klal and to  tzorchei 
tzibbur, is given to him in Olam Haba.
--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com


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