[Avodah] Shushan Purim minyan of "unwalled Jews" in an walled city

David Cohen via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Mar 13 05:00:14 PDT 2017

In a scene that is undoubtedly occurring in workplace mincha minyanim
throughout Jerusalem today, the minyan consists almost entirely of
commuters from the suburbs, as most of the Jerusalem residents are at home
celebrating Purim and are not at work today.

In the minyan that I just attended, out of about 20 people, there was just
one Yerushalmi present.  Fortunately, he agreed to server as shaliach
tzibbur, and of course he said "Al haNissim" in chazaras hashatz.

But what if he had not been there?  Is it possible that for a minyan taking
place in Jerusalem, the public tefilah -- the chazaras hashatz -- should
include "Al haNissim" even if none of the individuals in that minyan are
saying it in their own personal shmoneh esrei?

If the answer to that question is negative, what about a minyan where there
are one or more Yerushalmim present, but none of them are willing or able
to serve as shaliach tzibbur?  Certainly, if these few individual
Yerushalmim were visiting a shul outside Jerusalem today, nobody would
expect the shatz to say "Al haNisim" on their behalf.  But would things be
different in this case, where the Yerushalmim are on their "home turf"?

Shushan Purim sameach,
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