[Avodah] Yom Tov Sheni (was Israeli Americans)

Prof. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Mar 8 15:44:32 PST 2017

At 04:00 PM 3/8/2017, Zev Sero wrote:

 >On 08/03/17 05:02, Prof. Levine via Areivim wrote:
 > >>
 > >
 > > For a discussion of the "development" of Yom Tov Sheni see
 > > http://etzion.org.il/en/yom-tov-sheni-1
 > >
 > > There it says
 > > [...] R.Yehuda Ha-Nasi, discontinued the practice of using fires [...]
 > > these areas would observe two days of /Yom Tov/, as they did not know
 > > the proper day of the Festival.'
 >I repeat, we have clear evidence that the practise of observing two days
 >of yomtov is far older than that, older than the second Bayis, and
 >probably going back to the late first Bayis.

then give us this evidence in detail.

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