[Avodah] More Than 6

Jay F. Shachter via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Mar 8 02:10:27 PST 2017

>     The dimensions of the universe are precise, mathematically
>     exact. [For instance], the universe is shaped by six
>     mathematical constants
>     ......................................................................
> Is the idea here precision for the sake of seder itself, or that --
> like the creation of the universe and the 6 Physical Constants --
> details matter in the mech[ani]cs of things?
> -Micha

This is clearly a reference to the book "Just Six Numbers" by fellow
Brit Martin Rees, but there are plenty of unexplained dimensionless
constants that shape our universe beyond the 6 that Rees chose to
write about.  For example, we have no explanation for why a proton is
exactly 1836.152672 times as massive as an electron (actually, there
are heavier electrons, there are muons and tau particles, together
with their associated neutrinos, although they are not stable, no one
knows exactly why).  Let's not limit our awe of the Divine
Intelligence by thinking that God only had to get 6 numbers right to
plan out our universe.  There were a lot more than that.

                        Jay F. ("Yaakov") Shachter
                        6424 N Whipple St
                        Chicago IL  60645-4111
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                                jay at m5.chicago.il.us

                        "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur"

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