[Avodah] prof berger

saul newman via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Mar 5 21:29:01 PST 2017


headlines  featured an interview w prof  berger on chabad issues of
messianism. the host felt that rabbi kotlarsky's assertion on a prior show
that anyone praying to the rebbe instead of RBSO is off the derech is
enough to counter the idea that it is acceptable in chabad to assert any
divinity to its leader , and thus to make the assertion that [as prob
berger contends] a messianic  shochet need be further questioned to
determine if he believes that the rebbes are the atzmus of Hashem in an
avoda zara sense.

there were sources the host brought up ,  bavli and yerushalmi , that would
seem to indicate that at some point it was normative to believe in a
messianic second coming---ie an asserted messiah who failed in the
messianic mission and then dies is currently believed to be a false
messiah, but that idea was not initially held            I wonder at what
point historically did this change--was it when christianity became
dominant , therefore a profession that second comings are possible would
make jewish existence in a xtian world without converting even more
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