[Avodah] Drinking Wine Ad D'lo Yoda

Professor L. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Mar 5 05:51:10 PST 2017

The following is from today's Daf Yomi B'Halacha

Drinking Wine Ad D'lo Yoda
Important in the Purim saga were the many wine feasts, Achashveirosh's notorious party, the party hosted when Esther was chosen, and the two parties Esther hosted for Achashveirosh and Hamon. Chazal commemorated these parties with a mandate to drink wine on Purim. Chazal speak of drinking "ad d'lo yoda bein arur Hamon l'baruch Mordechai".  One explanation of the difference between arur Hamon and baruch Mordechai is that arur refers to Hamon's downfall and baruch refers to Mordechai's ascension to greatness, the latter being greater. The mandate is to drink until the point when one does not know for which of the two it is more important to praise Hashem for. Another explanation is that both share the same mathematical equivalent (502). The halacha requires drinking to the point where one can no longer perform a mathematical calculation. [emphasis added]


In light of the criteria of  no longer being able to perform  a mathematical calculation I must say that in my many years of teaching mathematics I have apparently encountered hundreds of people who are in the state of Ad D' lo Yoda not just on  Purim but all year round!!!  >:-}


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