[Avodah] Shabbos Zachor
Cantor Wolberg via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sat Mar 4 17:42:57 PST 2017
The word Zachor appears 4 times in the Torah.
The first is Sh’mos (13:3) which tells us to remember
the Exodus from Egypt constantly, every day.
The second is Sh’mos (20:8) commanding us to remember
the Sabbath day.
The third is D’vorim (24:9) reminding what God did to Miriam
for slandering her brother, Moshe.
And the fourth is D’vorim (25:17) commanding us to remember
what Amalek did to you.
A strange coincidence that Zachor is used for seemingly disparate
situations. Remember Amalek; remember the Sabbath; remember
the departure from Egypt and remember what happens when you
slander and speak lashon hara.
What connection is there between the four? I submit that the zachors
used are not only an indication of what is wrong with Jewish life today
but means of correcting the situation. Unfortunately, there are too many
Jews who are Jews by suffering. Their only relationship with the Jewish
people and Jewish life is: Zachor es asher oso l’cho Amalek, remembering
what Amalek did and the bad things done to the Jewish people. As Heinrich Heine
put it: For some Jews, Judaism is not a religion — it is a misfortune.
If we intend to survive and grow as a people, we need the other zachors —
Zachor es yom hashabbos; Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
We must also always recall our history and humble beginnings:
Zachor es hayom hazeh asher y’tzasem miMitzrayim;
Remember this day on which you departed from Egypt.
And finally, without menschlechkeit, all of our observances,
learning, rituals, etc. are empty, like bodies without souls.
Hence — Zachor es asher asa Adonoy Elohecha l’Miryam;
Remember what the Lord, your God did to Miriam (on the way,
when you were leaving Egypt). Slander, gossip, lashon hara, etc.
cause spiritual tzaraas. This 'Zachor' reminds every generation
that life and death are in the power of the tongue.
Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting. Elizabeth Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) English Writer
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