[Avodah] Women working to break Rabbinate’s monopoly over kashrut supervision

Professor L. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Mar 3 09:42:19 PST 2017

It seems that much is going on in Israel regarding kashrus supervision.  From


Hemdah Shalom and Avivit Ravia are the two only female kashrut supervisors in Jerusalem, working on behalf of the Hashgacha Pratit organization, which offers businesses an alternative kashrut model. We joined them on a tour of restaurants which are already using their services in order to learn how things can be done differently.

See the above URL for more.

I personally know nothing about this kashrus organization.  However,  I do know that some years ago the Star-K used women as female kashrus supervisors in certain situations,  and it still may be doing this.

Cleveland has one. See


Also see the article

Women Mashgichos: Halacha and History



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