[Avodah] Terumah Real ARK-itecture

Cantor Wolberg via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Feb 26 07:04:32 PST 2017

“And the Cherubim shall spread out their wings upward, 
screening the Cover with their wings, with their faces
toward one another; toward the Cover shall be the 
faces of the Cherubim.”  (Ex. XXV:20).

The rabbis ascribe to the Cherubim the appearance of
children (Rashi on XXV:18) and their posture as given
in the text symbolizes the way in which our children 
should be reared and trained. 

Their wings must be spread out and upward — teaching
them their duties bein adam laMakom.

Their faces must be one to another — teaching them their
duties bein adam lachaveiro.

How do they learn these Jewish duties?  “…toward the 
Cover shall be the faces of the Cherubim" — in other words,
by looking into the Ark at its contents; in a word, by studying
and absorbing Torah.

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