[Avodah] Getting Ready for Tu B'Shevat

Professor L. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Feb 8 11:16:40 PST 2017

The following is from today's Hakhel Email Bulletin.

GETTING READY IN THE USA: With Tu B'Shevat coming soon, we move into thoughts of preparation for a Rosh Hashana not known to the world at large. By the following link http://tinyurl.com/j8524wh we provide a list compiled according to Rav Moshe Vaye's Sefer Bedikas HaMazon, which lists the names of fruits, whether or not checking is required, and how the checking must be done in the USA for 5777.  [Previously supplied list, for Eretz Yisroel, now is available at http://tinyurl.com/zlkym7u ]

I sent the following to Hakhel.  However,  I doubt they will convey my points to their readers.

I think you should point your readers to the OU  article

Inspecting Dried Fruits for Insectsat https://oukosher.org/publications/inspecting-dried-fruits-for-insect<https://oukosher.org/publications/inspecting-dried-fruits-for-insects/> and the audio file at https://www.ou.org/torah/kashrut/food/are_dried_fruits_moistly_kosher/

and to the Kosher dried fruit list of the CRC at http://www.crcweb.org/dried_fruit_list.php

The OU and the CRC are here in America,  whereas I believe that Rabbi Vaye lives in EY.   I think it is a mistake to rely on rabbonim who live in EY for pesakim on issues in America.

Furthermore,  not everyone agrees with Rabbi Vaye.  See http://www.torahmusings.com/2013/04/rav-moshe-vaye-rav-eitam-henkin-and-extremism/

I do not think that it is inappropriate for you to point to just one poseik when their are other valid opinions.

Yitzchok Levine

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