[Avodah] 10 tribes

Michael Poppers via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sat Dec 24 21:19:08 PST 2016

In Avodah V34n162, R'Micha noted to R'Zev:
> : Who says Shim`on was absorbed into Yehuda and remained in the south?
> Yehoshua pereq 19. <
To which I would add the implications of Shof'tim 1.

> It is noted that "Shi[m]'on veLevi achim", and neither got their own
territory. <
So, to go back to R'Eli's question, the two "southern" *shvatim* [w/ a
distinct *nachalah*] are Y'hudah and Binyamin; and the 10 vs. 2 count is
based on distinct *nachalah*.

Gut Chanukah!  All the best from
*Michael Poppers* * Elizabeth, NJ, USA
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