[Avodah] Borrer Brewing Coffee Shabbos

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Dec 8 07:47:11 PST 2016

I think nidon didan is related to an older and discussed question:
using a teapot with a strainer on it.

According to the Kaf haChaim (319:113), if the leaves haven't settled to
the bottom or if there isn't much tea left, then it's boreir. Even though
okhel mitokh pesoles.

However, the CI (#53, "min ha'amur") is meiqil for akhilah
le'alter. RCKanievsky (back of Ta'ama deQra, #41) testifies that lemaaseh
he saw them use such a pot for tea 'sense for immediate consumption.

According to SSK (3 fn 125), RSZA is also meiqil. He argues that akhila
le'alter is also derekh akhiah, and allowed. Other examples: using
a saltshaker that has dry rice in it, putting a spoon against the edge of
soup-pot to make an ad-hoc strainer when pouring. (Tiqunim uMilu'im

And the MB (504:20, BH 319:4 "haborer") allows borer when one throws away
soe of the okel. The CI (stil #53) has a slightly different variant.
According to the MB, one may take a bone out of fish if one takes a
little fish along with the bone. According to the CI, one would have
to suck off and get hana'ah from something on the bone. (At least, I
think that's the MB's masqanah, BH 3914", "mitokh okhel", near the end,
appears to be more like the CI.)

So, I think RSZA wouldn't have a problem with our french press even
for coffee. And the MB would give a second reason to be meiqil for tea,
if you do not / can not press so far down as to put all the drinkable
tea above the filter.

About the line between boreir and meraqeid, it's not defined by the use
of a keli -- and they may well overlap. Shabbos 138a has a machloqes about
whether meshamer is a toladah (Rabah) of boreir because it's okhel mitokh
pesoles, or (R' Zeira) of meraqeid because the pesoles is on top of the

Rashi says the question is which hasra'ah would work.

Tosafos (on 73b) say it's definitely boreir, the machloqes is whether
it's ALSO meraqeid.

The Ran (chiddushim 137b) says that meraqeid is only with solid foods,
unlike meshameir, which is from a liquid.

The Biur Halakhah (319:9) says that meraqeid is a process and meshamer
happens at once.

Of only questionable relevance, but I found it while looking things up
and I thought it was worth sharing.

Rashba (Shabbos 139b) divides liquids into three:

1- Tzalul: Most people would drink a clear liquid as is. Straining with
   a keli to make the drinkable better is mutar. (So keep your Brita

2- A liquid that only some people would drink that way can be strained
   kele'achair yad, such as if the keli is not one made for straining.

3- If no one would drink it as is, it's boreir.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Man can aspire to spiritual-moral greatness
micha at aishdas.org        which is seldom fully achieved and easily lost
http://www.aishdas.org   again. Fulfillment lies not in a final goal,
Fax: (270) 514-1507      but in an eternal striving for perfection. -RSRH

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