[Avodah] Whatever Happened to the Aschalta Degeula

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Dec 8 06:35:53 PST 2016

On Thu, Dec 08, 2016 at 08:45:16AM -0500, M Cohen via Avodah wrote:
: For those who have read the book "The Moon's Lost Light" (by Devorah Fastag
: aka Devorah Heshelis) and have interest in her other works, or have interest
: in the issue of "Whatever Happened to the Aschalta Degeula"

Except that non-Zioniasts wouldn't have this question. Nor would
non-messianic Zionists like R' Reines, ROY, RYBS, and others.

RAYK saw the first glimmerings of the ge'ulah in the idealism of the
turn of the 20th cent. (Igeros 3 pg 195) The rise of Communism and
Secular Zionism was well at the expense of Torah (at least, among Jews),
but they were reawakenings of ideals found in the Torah that "just"
needed purification.

But post-Zionism and the Hitnatqut from Gush Qatif are not the
biggest problems Messianic Zionism has faced. After all, for all the
post-Zionists, the kippah serugah community has an increasing role in
the running of the country. (What percentage of military command and
of fighting soldiers are DL nowadays?) One could argue the glass is
half full.

Compare that to the Shoah, which was also after RAYK's ashchalta degeulah.
Megilah 17b says "milchamah nami aschalta dege'ulah he", but that is
about the war that ends with Ben David's victory "bemotza'ei" the 7th
year. It would be a stretch to tie a war we were largely non-combatant
victims in to some future victory some 71+ years later.

Rashi (sham) says it's talking about ge'ulah from tzaros not the ge'ulah
from galus. Drawing from Shemoneh Esrei -- Ge'ulah is a separate berakhah
than Golios, Boneh Y-m, and Birkas David. (7, 10, 14, anf 15. For
that matter, 10 through 15 are a sequence about the final redemption.
And arguably much of #16 ["Retzeih"] as well, if noth the chasimah.]

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             "Man wants to achieve greatness overnight,
micha at aishdas.org        and he wants to sleep well that night too."
http://www.aishdas.org         - Rav Yosef Yozel Horwitz, Alter of Novarodok
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