[Avodah] Geonim, Rambam and Other Rishonim on Mesorah and Pesak and RMH's essay

H Lampel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Nov 30 05:36:31 PST 2016

On 11/29/2016 12:24 AM, H Lampel wrote:

    Chagiga 3b:

          "Ba'alei asufos" (Qoheles 12:11) ...  "Kulam nitnu miRo'eh
    echad." One G-d gave them, one
         source/leader said them, miPi Adon kol hama'asim barukh Hu. As
    it says (Shemos 20:1), "Vaydaber E-lokim es kol hadevarim ha'eileh".

    ...RASHI: You don't have any of the disputants bringing a proof from
    any god's torah, only from the Torah of our G-d.'' and he explains
    ''Parness echad amran''to mean: You don't have anyone bringing a
    proof from the words of a prophet who came to argue against Moshe

>     ''Since their hearts are [directed] to heaven [i.e. since they are
>     both making sincere attempts /to understand the matter/]...learn
>     and know the words of all [the disputants], and when  you will
>     know to distinguish which one is valid (u'k'sheh-taya lehavchin ay
>     zeh yikasher), establish the halacha accordingly.''
> Identical to the Ritva ...

    Better: ''Since their hearts are [directed] to heaven [i.e. since
    they are both making sincere attempts /to understand Mos//he and
    Hashem's //Torah, no one else's, this qualifies what they say as
    ''divrei Elokim''--words/matters //concerning Has//hem//and His
    Will, and not //concerning//any other deity/]...learn and know the
    words of all [the disputants], and when  you will know to
    distinguish which one is valid (u'k'sheh-taya lehavchin ay zeh
    yikasher), establish the halacha accordingly.''

Zvi Lampel

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