[Avodah] Brewing coffee on Shabbos

Michael Poppers via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Nov 15 12:43:43 PST 2016

In Avodah V34n147, RAMiller laid out a case for legally brewing coffee on

> I will now describe the halachos as I heard them on Shabbos Bereshis,
from Rabbi Avrohom Herman, rav of the JEC Elmora Shul in Elizabeth, at his
short Hilchos Shabbos shiur during Kabalas Shabbos. I am also including a
great deal of my own research that I did based on the sources that he
cited, and elsewhere. <
Having been at that same *shiur* (and the one, last Friday night, which
followed), two brief comments....

-1- R'Akiva mentions *ohel* (which, AFAIK, Rabbi Herman [RAH] did not
mention) as well as *bishul* and *boreir*.  Neither he nor RAH
mentioned *tzoveya
<http://halachipedia.com/index.php?title=Tzoveya#Liquids>*.  I brought that
up to RAH after Ma'ariv of that night, and he noted that Rav Teitz [REMT]
was *machmir* on [at least, IIUC] culinary-liquids *tzoveya*.

> As it turns out, this exact question was raised on these very pages eight
years ago, by R' Stephen Scher, in Avodah 25:425. That thread got only a
few responses, mostly about the bishul issues. One point was about borer,
from R' Micha Berger, who wrote:

> Also, to get around the boreir problem.... Instead of using
> a regular filter, use a french press. They push the grounds
> down to the bottom, allowing you to pour okhel mitokh pesoles.

(For those who want to see how a French Press works, there's a very simple
video on the Wikipedia page. It's only 66 seconds long, and the first half
of that shows him grinding the coffee beans.)

> I disagree. There is a two-step process here. I concede that in the
second step, you "pour okhel mitokh pesoles", just as if you had waited for
the grounds to settle to the bottom. But the first step, when you "push the
grounds down to the bottom", that is (at least to me) a clear act of
removing the pesoles from the ochel. <
-2- IINM, RAH definitely forbade use of a French press on Shabbos at last
Friday night's *shiur*.

All the best from
*Michael Poppers* * Elizabeth, NJ, USA
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